Cover Image for OneFeather, the Largest Provider of Comprehensive Electoral Services in Canada

OneFeather, the Largest Provider of Comprehensive Electoral Services in Canada

Katey Lewis

5 min read

How are we different?

As electoral officers, OneFeather's responsibilities include everything to do with voting: project planning, coordinating nomination meetings, creating notices and other documentation as well as printing and then mailing everything out... and of course polling station management.

As electoral officers, OneFeather's responsibilities include everything to do with voting: project planning, coordinating nomination meetings, creating notices and other documentation as well as printing and then mailing everything out... and of course polling station management.

Our team of electoral officers also provides coordination and support during election days, reports results, and performs records management. Services Provided By OneFeather Electoral Officers.

OneFeather is a neutral third party. Our entire purpose is to ensure that the voting event is executed pursuant to and in accordance with the governing regulations or law of each particular voting event.

OneFeather has conducted every time of voting event imaginable, including: treaty, settlement, land code, election code and leadership elections, referendums and ratification votes.

This focus offers legitimacy and professionalism to voting events, meaning:

The electoral officer (EO) is always available for questions, any time of the day All parties in an electoral event receive the same information Everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the election process

Because OneFeather can rely on so many cumulative years of elections experience, anything that can happen in an election has happened (in the hundreds of previous elections) and so OneFeather always knows how to respond.

Additionally, OneFeather has facilitated many Election Code review projects.

Where a particular election, is bound by rules of that election (e.g., current Custom Election Code) OneFeather has the experience necessary to know what Election Code provisions are useful or could be made more current to better serve members, and we are happy to make recommendations.

The OneFeather Electoral Officer Team

OneFeather currently employs four dedicated electoral officers, and we work with a team of electoral officer contractors who are available on an as-needed basis as well.

These additional on-call electoral officers are experienced and are often certified as well. We rely on them when we have elections with multiple poll stations sometimes across provinces.

In terms of registration, training and guidelines, the federal Ministry of Indigenous Services (ISC) produces Instructional Manuals and Templates for use by EOs responsible for running Indian Band Elections as well as First Nations Election Act Elections. These guidelines are all detailed and specific and are very easy to understand and follow.

The tasks we we perform depend on the specific voting event, and can include:

  • Confirming election timelines and deliverables

  • Coordinating membership list

  • Creating notices

  • Facilitating mail-outs

  • Communicating regularly with clients

  • Facilitating nominations processes

In the case of chief and council elections, OneFeather electoral officers collect nominations and verify candidate requirements and manage candidate fees. Other responsibilities include:

  • Facilitating the mail-in ballot process

  • Preparing for election day

  • Conducting the Poll

  • Certifying the Count/Results

  • Reporting on the election

  • Electoral and Ratification Officers of choice across Canada

OneFeather's goal is to become the Electoral and Ratification Officers of choice across Canada.

In order to achieve this goal, we are focusing on building our team and identifying possible resources across Canada so that we can deploy local talent for future voting events.

In summary, OneFeather works with over 200 First Nations across Canada to provide digital solutions that enhance member engagement, increase member participation in important governance and community decision-making, all while alleviating administrative pain and reducing the costs associated with governance activities.

Learn more about how OneFeather can help your Nation with its next election or referendum

Learn more about OneFeather Indigenous Elections and Voting services