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OneFeather Procedures for Validating Mail-In Ballots

Katey Lewis

3 min read

We are flexible and dynamic and able to deliver unparalleled collaboration and customization ensuring a highly responsive relationship completely invested in the success of every voting event.

OneFeather's Electoral Officer service provides the highest standards in security, vote event integrity, and accessibility. We are flexible and dynamic and able to deliver unparalleled collaboration and customization ensuring a highly responsive relationship completely invested in the success of every voting event.

OneFeather ensures that rules and procedures outlined in your community custom code, treaty regulations, or Indian Act election regulations are observed and followed during an election. Depending on the regulations governing a voting event, members can vote in several ways; in-person voting in a polling station; electronically; or they can vote by mail. Vote-by-mail is an election method whereby voters receive and return their ballots through the mail.

For mail ballots, OneFeather mails packages to all off-reserve eligible voters or those who have requested mailing packages. The package typically includes the Notice of Election, Voting Instructions, Voter Declaration and Witness Declaration, a secrecy envelope, and a pre-addressed return envelope. The voter marks the ballot and places it in the secrecy envelope that, in turn, is placed into the return envelope and mailed back to OneFeather.

However, there are some risks associated with mail-in ballot voting, for example, the mailed voting package getting in the wrong hands because the voter has moved or we have been provided incorrect mailing information. OneFeather always ensures the returned mail-in voting ballots are authenticated and validated against the eligible voters list. We do this by ensuring that verification and authentication protocols are followed, for example witness declaration has been signed and all details are outlined correctly. Thereafter, the returned mail-in ballots are recorded as received and secured until processed as required under the voting regulations.

At OneFeather, we go above and beyond to ensure the security of the mail in ballot remains uncompromised during an election. Our online technologies and standards are fully secure and encrypted – delivering leading member registrar services and secret ballot voting services with immutable results, along with full real time audit and verification channels.

OneFeather is a First Nation technology company and has a full complement of subject matter experts and information technology professionals. We have collaboratively and successfully worked with over 70 Nations across Canada. We will work with your team to deliver our proven community engagement solutions to your eligible electors.

See what nations OneFeather is currently serving here

Check out of site for more information, questions or feedback and how OneFeather can help your community with your electoral process.

Learn more about OneFeather Indigenous Elections and Voting services