Journeying Across BC: Offering Support For Status Card Renewals
Avneet Takhar
The challenges of status card applications is something that First Nations communities have been dealing with for far too long- not only due in part to long processing times, but also regarding the application itself.

We at OneFeather as an online service try to make the status card renewal process as easy as possible- by breaking down the specific things you need to be approved for the application to Indigenous Services Canada (and letting you know if there are any errors to correct!). But the online part can still sometimes cause a headache-especially when you may not be 100% comfortable with technology. We totally get it!

So taking this into account, we took on our first few events for in-person status card support led by our lead developer (and computer whiz!), Sam which took him to the beautiful Marble Canyon out in Lillooet for St’át’imc First Nation, and Totem Hall for Squamish Nation, with a scenic setting and roomy hall to assist folks.

"Sam was very helpful and awesome with multi-tasking, taking on so many clients all at the same time and assisting them was fantastic, he was very patient with our clients. I wanted to keep Sam here with us!"
-Patricia Brown, Membership Services at Squamish Nation

"It was great to be able to make sure that people had everything they needed for their status card renewal application, and ensure their portrait photo was aligned with ISC's (Indigenous Services Canada) guidelines."
"Plus getting direct feedback from the communities about our product, and where it is hard to use is vital for us to build something that lowers the barriers to access for every First Nation community in Canada."
-Samuel Willis, Lead Developer at OneFeather

Interested in IRL Support?
The set-up of our events is self-serve where a team member does a demo of the application process and answers questions. This will be to obtain a SCIS (Secure Certificate Indian Status). OneFeather doesn't physically do the applications for folks, but we're there to assist and help as much as possible!
If you’d like OneFeather in-person support for large groups to do online status card renewals/replacements (Personal and Dependent applications) for your First Nation band, please contact us at:
* We try our best to accommodate all large groups, but please remember that we’re a small team and can only journey out if a team member with a vehicle lives in proximity of the desired location, and work schedule permitting. Gila’kasla (thank you)!