Cover Image for A Moment in History: Métis Nation of Alberta Ratifies Constitution with 96.9% 'Yes' Vote

A Moment in History: Métis Nation of Alberta Ratifies Constitution with 96.9% 'Yes' Vote

Avneet Takhar

1 min read

After years of review and discussion, the Métis Nation of Alberta - also known as MNA, made the announcement on 27 September 2022 that the Otipemisiwak Métis Government Constitution was ready to go to a vote. The voting period took place from November 1st to 30th.

“We are the Otipemisiwak, the people who govern themselves. Our ancestors are watching; our time is now,” said Audrey Poitras, President, Métis Nation of Alberta.

Over the 30-day timeline, over 15,000 votes were cast with an outcome of 96.9% choosing to opt ‘Yes’ for the Métis Nation of Alberta to ratify its constitution.

The Métis community cast their votes in-person, via mail and online in the largest Indigenous voting event in Canadian history, which OneFeather is honoured to have supported.

The constitution is due to be implemented next September when MNA holds their first general election.